Healthcare Accelerator

Looking Glass

Supporting Price Transparency



In an effort to create price transparency, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) require healthcare providers to make pricing models publicly available, adhering to specific technical standards for how the data must be shared. However, these pricing data sets are often made available in a semi-structured format and can be quite large, with files ranging from 150MB to upwards of Terabyte in extreme cases.

Snowflake has amazing support for storing semistructured files directly in your relational database and supports working with healthcare data in a variety of ways, from Snowpark applications to direct SQL queries. Unfortunately, these large price transparency files tend to exceed the supported size.


Hakkoda helps healthcare companies quickly and easily navigate price transparency files in Snowflake with Looking Glass. Looking Glass has two components:

  • A cloud native application accelerator that restructures large price transparency files, while maintaining data lineage
  • A fully structured, reusable model
Navigating pricing data sets is simple with the combination of Snowpark and Looking Glass. 

Ready to accelerate your consumption of price transparency data so you can get to your analysis faster?

Hakkoda's healthcare data experts are here to help.